Books that have large images of objects or simple scenes

What is it?

Books that have large images of objects or simple scenes

For what age?

Age 0-3. The general rule would be that how younger the child, the larger and simpler the images. With babies, only black and white and very simple shapes are perfect. However, also books for older children can be simple and clear and still be a great success.

Why use them?

  • Learn new things: recognize objects
  • Develops relationships


Miffy, the egg, chicken
By Dick Bruna – Age 1 year

This book has large, easy images. Furthermore, it also has rhymes! Watch the video of one of the books called “Miffy and the new baby” here.

Papa, please get the moon for me
By Eric Carle

It has simple objectives, however designed in a special way. Also good for trying out different illustration styles. You can watch a video here.

The pigeon HAS to go to school
By Mo Willems

The book is telling the story with little images. But take a look at how the story is told, it is also interactive! Watch a video here.

Don’t let the Pigeon Drive the Bus
By Mo Willems

Same author as the book above, same way of telling stories with few images.

What kind of books can you choose?


Books to learn language/vocabulary

Books to learn language/vocabulary

What is it? Books that use a kind of language, or words, that are different from everyday language. Why use them? Learn new words and vocabularyDevelop more language skills and relationships when talking about the bookTalking about an interesting story helps with the...

Books that increase recognition

Books that increase recognition

What is it? Books with rhymes and repeating rhythms. Why use them? Develops emotionsLearn new words and vocabularyHearing skillsRhyming together is fun! For what age? All ages, simple rhymes for the young children, more complex ones for older children. However,...

Books that contain different features to stimulate interaction

Books that contain different features to stimulate interaction

What is it? Books with different features, for example: holes, pop-ups, shapes, flaps to be lifted. These kinds of books ask for an action of the child, creating a space of discovery besides the story, or allow for playing with the book. Why use them? These books are...

Books that are made of different materials (not paper)

Books that are made of different materials (not paper)

What kind of book? Books of different materials, such as fabrics, plastic, tactile books etc. Why use them? Develops emotions Learning new things such as tactile skills For what age? Babies (0 to 1 year).Books that use different kinds of materials, more subtle, can be...

Some interesting picture books to discover and why

Some interesting picture books to discover and why WAVE By Suzy Lee (you can watch the video without the sound to discover your own story when going through the book) Why is this interesting? “Wave” is a silent book – a book without wordsLook at the way that illustrations...